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Start payment

Start a new payment using TTP SDK.

Request Body REQUIRED

Data to start a new payment

source string
billing_info object REQUIRED
description string
currency string
amounts object[] REQUIRED
amount number REQUIRED
label string REQUIRED
reference string
taxes object
amount number REQUIRED
label string REQUIRED
reference string
tip object
amount number
card_type string
installments object REQUIRED
quantity number REQUIRED
client_id object REQUIRED
fingerprint_id string
application_version string
application_name string
tracking object
location object
latitude number
longitude number
point_of_sale_id uuid

Required when authentication has not user information


Successful response

data object OPTIONAL
attributes object OPTIONAL
reference_number string OPTIONAL
session_id string OPTIONAL
encrypted_data string OPTIONAL
hash string OPTIONAL
encrypted_key string OPTIONAL
payment_intent uuid OPTIONAL
order_id uuid OPTIONAL

Error response

app_name string OPTIONAL
app_version string OPTIONAL
status_code number OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
message_code string OPTIONAL
error_code string OPTIONAL
validations object[] OPTIONAL
property_name string OPTIONAL
error_message string OPTIONAL
error_code string OPTIONAL
attempted_value string OPTIONAL