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Get installments

Recives the order_Id, amount (if the order has the 'status' field with 'open_amount' value) and bins and return all available plans for the defined order.

Path Parameters
order_id string REQUIRED

Unambiguous order identifier

Header Parameters
trace-id string

Id for tracing pourpose. Used to trace the request through every internal system. Must be different on every transaction or attempt.

Request Body REQUIRED
order_id string REQUIRED
bins object[] REQUIRED
original_bin bins REQUIRED
issuer_id string REQUIRED

This value must be taken from the standarized list of card issuers ids. The list itself is part of the IEP documentation and is based on the BCRA's 'Nomina de Entidades'

type string REQUIRED

Possible values: [CREDIT, DEBIT, PREPAID]

brand_id string REQUIRED

This value must be taken from the standarized list of card brands ids. The list itself is part of the IEP documentation.

amount object REQUIRED
value amount
currency currencyCodeISO4217
additional_info object

Successful response

supported_bins object[] OPTIONAL
brand_id string

This value must be taken from the standarized list of card brands ids. The list itself is part of the IEP documentation.

type string

Possible values: [CREDIT, DEBIT, PREPAID]

original_bins bins[] OPTIONAL
plans object[]
id string
type string

This value must be taken from the standarized list of plan types. The list itself is part of the IEP documentation.

description string

A description ready to be rendered in the frontend

installments integer
total_amount object
value amount OPTIONAL
currency currencyCodeISO4217 OPTIONAL
installment_amount object
value amount OPTIONAL
currency currencyCodeISO4217 OPTIONAL
financial_info object OPTIONAL
total_fianancial_cost percentage OPTIONAL
nominal_annual_rate percentage OPTIONAL
requiered_fields string[] OPTIONAL

Any optional field from the POST /payments endpoint could be added on this list. If a field is reported here, that field will be considered mandatory in the context of this particular order. In the case of nested fields all objects will be included using a dot "." as separator

unsupported_bins bins[] OPTIONAL
additional_info object OPTIONAL

Generic error response

code string
message string

Generic error response

code string
message string