Create a payment link
Creates a payment link that can be shared with customers to allow them to make the payment.
Request Body — REQUIRED |
payment_intent uuid |
items objectDetails of the items that make up the payment link. description string — REQUIRED | externalReference stringAn external reference to identify the item. | quantity integer — REQUIRED | unit_price double — REQUIRED |
tip object |
external_data stringAn object of arbitrary key-value pairs for custom data. |
source string |
transaction_data object |
Responses |
Schema — OPTIONAL |
payment_intent uuid — OPTIONAL | items object — OPTIONALDetails of the items that make up the payment link. description string | externalReference string — OPTIONALAn external reference to identify the item. | quantity integer | unit_price double |
| tip object — OPTIONAL | external_data string — OPTIONALAn object of arbitrary key-value pairs for custom data. | source string — OPTIONAL | transaction_data object — OPTIONALcheckout_url uri — OPTIONAL |