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Search payments

Search and return payments made in the last six months from the search date.


Successful response

pagination object OPTIONAL
pages integer OPTIONAL
current_page integer OPTIONAL
items_per_page integer OPTIONAL
data object[] OPTIONAL
type string OPTIONAL
status string OPTIONAL
error object OPTIONAL
code_internal string OPTIONAL
code_iso string OPTIONAL
message_iso string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
payment_method object OPTIONAL
type string OPTIONAL
card object OPTIONAL
type string OPTIONAL
brand string OPTIONAL
account_type string OPTIONAL
pan string OPTIONAL
fingerprint string OPTIONAL
holder object OPTIONAL
authentication_mode string OPTIONAL
name string OPTIONAL
surname string OPTIONAL
payment_plan object OPTIONAL
installments integer OPTIONAL
financial_rate number OPTIONAL
tracking object OPTIONAL
authorization_code string OPTIONAL
processor_reference_number string OPTIONAL
reference_number string OPTIONAL
payment_intent string OPTIONAL
parent_authorization string OPTIONAL
amounts object OPTIONAL
total number OPTIONAL
tip object OPTIONAL
amount number OPTIONAL
items object[] OPTIONAL
amount number
label string
reference string OPTIONAL
taxes object[] OPTIONAL
amount number
label string
reference string OPTIONAL
metadata object OPTIONAL
can_refund boolean OPTIONAL
refund_without_card boolean OPTIONAL