PAN Hash
The plugin obtains and shares a hash representation of the transaction card's PAN (Primary Account Number) to the integrating app.
Downloading plugin dependency
In order to install the plugin, the integrating app must obtain the dependency through cocoapods dependency manager.
target 'Integrating-App-Main-Target' do
pod 'GePanHashPlugin', '~> 1.0'
Once the dependency is installed, it can be imported and used as follows
import GeoiOSPanHashPlugin
Injecting Pan hash plugin to the SDK
All plugins are injected into the SDK during configuration by calling the set(plugins:)
do {
let paymentsConfiguration = try PaymentsConfiguration.Builder(
endpoint: URL(string: "https://valid-url")!,
delegate: self,
url: URL(string: "https://valid-url")!
PaymentsSDK.configure(paymentsConfiguration: paymentsConfiguration)
} catch {
// Handle error
where SDKPanHashPluginInstallerFactory
is the factory method to obtain an instance of the plugin.
the delegate
is any object that implements SDKPanHashCallback
and url
is the integrating app's backend url, which most likely will be the same as the one injected to the SDK during configuration.
Once retrieved successfully, the data is decoded into the
struct, which contains the Pan Hash as a UUID object, and the transaction card asociated with itOn PAN hash request error, the integrating app will receive a
recoverable error
of typeinternalError
public struct PanHashResponseData {
public let panHash: UUID
public let transactionCard: PanHashTransactionCard
public struct PanHashTransactionCard {
public let maskedPan: String
public let cardHolderName: String
public let cardReadMode: PanHashCardReadMode
Example of an implementation of the SDKPanHashCallback
As mentioned earlier, the Integrating app must implement this protocol to provide mandatory data to the plugin when needed
extension someClass: SDKPanHashCallback {
func onRetrieved(_ panhash: PanHashResponseData) {
// Do something with the Pan hash
func getAuthToken() -> String {
"Integrating app's auth token"
func getApplicationKey() -> String {