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Confirm annulment authorization

Attempt to confirm an annulment.

Header Parameters
x-amzn-trace-id string

Amazon fingerprint to track transactions.

X-Bypass-Processor boolean

Bypass processor communication. If the header is set to true the message will not be sent to the processor but return only the raw message.

Request Body REQUIRED

The payment confirmation.

applicationKey string REQUIRED

The application key

refNumber string REQUIRED

The transaction reference number.


Successful operation.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL



Transaction received and will be processed as soon as we can.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Failed to create the transaction.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL



Forbidden Transaction.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Not Found


Internal error.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Processor response with error.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Communication timed out with processor.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL