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Start payment (without GeoPagos BackOffice)

Start a new payment using Readers SDK (without GeoPagos BackOffice).

Request Body REQUIRED
reference_number string

Reference number of the payment method

billing_info object REQUIRED

Billing information relevant to a sale. It is used to register the sale composition and calculate amounts for the authorization request. Multiple formats are supported to accommodate different experiences.

currency string REQUIRED
totals object

This object provides an overview of the sale amounts. You can use either the totals object or the items object, but not both, to report taxes and withholdings. Taxes and withholdings reported in one must not be duplicated in the other.

taxes object[]
amount float REQUIRED

Total tax amount, as displayed to the payer. Taxes are assumed to be included in the gross amount.

key string REQUIRED

Unique identifier for the tax in the platform. Required for validation and authorization.

percentage float REQUIRED

Tax percentage applied to the sale or item. Required for validations.

label string

Descriptive name for the tax, used in receipts and transaction history.

gross object
amount float REQUIRED

Gross total amount to be authorized by the processor. It may be adjusted based on financial costs.

label string

Descriptive label for the total amount, used in receipts, transaction history, and reports.

items object[]

Detailed breakdown of the items in the sale. If provided, the total gross amount sent to the processor will be calculated as the sum of all item gross amounts. Taxes and withholdings may be specified at the item level or in the totals object, but not both.

gross_amount float REQUIRED

Total price of the item, including applicable taxes and withholdings. This amount contributes to the total gross sale amount.

label string REQUIRED

Informative description of the item. Displayed on vouchers, history, etc.

quantity int REQUIRED

Number of units of this item in the sale. Used along with gross_amount to determine the total amount for authorization.

reference string

Unique reference identifier for the item, if applicable to a catalog sale. Its requirement depends on platform settings.

taxes object[]

Taxes related to the item. If provided, all item taxes will be summarized for the authorization request.

amount float REQUIRED

Total tax amount, as displayed to the payer. Taxes are assumed to be included in the gross amount.

key string REQUIRED

Unique identifier for the tax in the platform. Required for validation and authorization.

percentage float REQUIRED

Tax percentage applied to the sale or item. Required for validations.

label string

Descriptive name for the tax, used in receipts and transaction history.

tip object
amount float REQUIRED

Total tip amount. If the sale includes tips, it should always be sent in this field.

payment_method object REQUIRED
card_data object
bin string REQUIRED

First 6|8 digits of the card number.

payment_plan object
installments object[] REQUIRED
type string


name string
total double
code string

Acquirer payment plan code

quantity integer

Number of installments the cardholder is going to pay

installmentId integer

Installment reference

installment integer

Processor-specific code for the installment plan (e.g., '16' for '6 Cuota Simple' in Prisma).

financialCost object
amount double

Financial cost total amount, including applicable taxes.

rate double

Percentage rate applied to the financing cost.

taxAmount double

Tax amount included in financial cost

taxRate double

Tax percentage rate included in financial cost


Payment information processed successfully

message string OPTIONAL
reference_number string OPTIONAL

Error response

app_name string OPTIONAL
app_version string OPTIONAL
status_code number OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
message_code string OPTIONAL
error_code string OPTIONAL
validations object[] OPTIONAL
property_name string OPTIONAL
error_message string OPTIONAL
error_code string OPTIONAL
attempted_value string OPTIONAL