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Start refund authorization

Attempt to perform a refund.

Header Parameters
x-amzn-trace-id string

Amazon fingerprint to track transactions.

X-Bypass-Processor boolean

Bypass processor communication. If the header is set to true the message will not be sent to the processor but return only the raw message.

Request Body REQUIRED

The refund.

applicationKey string REQUIRED

The application key

billingInfo object REQUIRED
amounts object[]
amount double REQUIRED
label string REQUIRED
reference string
billNumber string

The bill number

currencyCode string REQUIRED

The billing currency code

description string

The billing description

productSKU string
shippingInfo object
address object
addressLine1 string

The address line 1

addressLine2 string

The address line 2

city string REQUIRED

The city

countryCode string REQUIRED

The country code

postalCode string

The postal code

state string REQUIRED

The state

lastName string REQUIRED
name string REQUIRED
phoneNumber string
shippingMethod string
taxes object[]
amount double REQUIRED
label string REQUIRED
reference string
ticketNumber string

The ticket number

totals object REQUIRED
net double REQUIRED

The total net amount. The net amount is after taxes are applied. Example: 20.00 bill + 1.20 taxes = 21.2 net

taxes double REQUIRED

The total taxes amount. Taxes are an informative amount already included in the net amount

context object REQUIRED
additionalSecurityInfo object
threeDSecure object
cavv string

The card authentication verification value. For VISA transactions.

eci string REQUIRED

The electronic commerce indicator. Indicates the authentication result.

tavv string

The Token Authentication Verification Value. This is a Visa cryptogram related to CIT (Cardholder initiated transaction) Tokenized Transactions and 3DS.

ucaf string

The universal cardholder authentication field. For MASTER transactions.

xid string

The transaction id.

cardHolderAuthenticationEntity string


This field indicates component or person who verified Cardmember identity reported in Cardmember Authentication.

cardHolderAuthenticationMethod string REQUIRED


device object
batteryCharge double

The reader's battery charge

model string REQUIRED

The reader's model

serial string REQUIRED

The reader's serial

endUserInterface string REQUIRED


establishment object REQUIRED

The establishment representing the commerce and its parent dependency, if it has any.

address object REQUIRED
addressLine1 string

The address line 1

addressLine2 string

The address line 2

city string REQUIRED

The city

countryCode string REQUIRED

The country code

postalCode string

The postal code

state string REQUIRED

The state

businessCategoryCode string

The establishment business category code

docNumber string
docType string
email string

The establishment email

establishmentType string REQUIRED


the establishment type

intermediary (circular)
legalName string REQUIRED

The establishment legal name

phoneNumber string

The phone number

tradeName string

The establishment trade name

reader string
terminalCapabilities object

The terminal's functional capabilities.

authenticationCapability object

The terminal's authentication capability.

otherAuthenticationCapable boolean

The terminal has other authentication capabilities

pinEntryCapable boolean

The terminal has pin entry authentication capability

signatureAnalysisCapable boolean

The terminal has signature analysis authentication capability

cardCaptureCapable boolean

The terminal has card capture capability

maxPinLength int32

The terminal's max ping length

outputCapability object

The terminal's output capability.

displayCapable boolean

The terminal has display output capability

printCapable boolean

The terminal has printing output capability

readingCapability object

The terminal's physical reading capabilities.

chipCapable boolean

The terminal has chip reading capability

contactlessChipCapable boolean

The terminal has contactless chip reading capability

contactlessMagneticStripeCapable boolean

The terminal has contactless magnetic stripe reading capability

keyedCapable boolean

The terminal has keyed reading capability

ocrCapable boolean

The terminal has OCR reading capability

swipeCapable boolean

The terminal has swipe reading capability

date date-time REQUIRED

The transaction creation date. UTC

externalData string
merchant object REQUIRED
fiid string
logicalNetwork string
merchantId string REQUIRED

The merchant id

merchantName string

The merchant name

merchantType string REQUIRED

Possible values: [AGGREGATOR, SELLER]

The merchant type identification. If the merchant type is AGGREGATOR then the establishment flagged with type END_MERCHANT will contain the aggregator info. If the merchant type is SELLER then Establishment flagged with type END_MERCHANT will contain the seller info.

parentRefNumber string REQUIRED
paymentMethod object REQUIRED
accountType string

Possible values: [CA, CC, CH]

cardInfo object REQUIRED
brand string REQUIRED


cardType string REQUIRED

Possible values: [CREDIT, DEBIT]

cardholderInfo object
address object
addressLine1 string

The address line 1

addressLine2 string

The address line 2

city string REQUIRED

The city

countryCode string REQUIRED

The country code

postalCode string

The postal code

state string REQUIRED

The state

docNumber string
docType string
email string
internetData object
customerIP string
hostName string
httpBrowserType string
lastName string
name string REQUIRED
phoneNumber string
phoneType string
cvv string
encryptedData string

The encrypted data. This field is required for all entryMode.cardDataSource types except for KEYED and TOKEN

expirationDate string

Date in YYMM format.

ksn string

The key serial number. This field is required for all entryMode.cardDataSource types except for KEYED and TOKEN

pan int64
pinblock string
pinblockKsn string
plainTlvData string
sensitiveData object[]
dukpt object
encryptedData string REQUIRED
ksn string
rsaAes object
encryptedData string REQUIRED
key object REQUIRED
encryptedValue string REQUIRED
id string REQUIRED
tdes object
encryptedData string REQUIRED
type string REQUIRED

Possible values: [CARD_DATA, PINBLOCK]

The data item type.

token string
validFromDate string
country string
entryMode object REQUIRED

The physical card entry mode.

cardDataSource string REQUIRED


The source of the data obtained from the card

contactless boolean

The contactless indicator

fallback boolean

The fallback indicator

paymentPlan object
code string

Payment plan

deferredMonths int32

Number of months before first installment

installmentAmount double

The amount of installment. Used on installments with interest

installmentRate double

The installment rate. Used on installments with interest

installments int32

Number or payments

quickPayment boolean

Flags the tx as quick payment.

refNumber string REQUIRED

The transaction reference number.

terminalId string REQUIRED
timeZone string REQUIRED

The transaction timezone.


Successful operation.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL



Transaction received and will be processed as soon as we can.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Failed to create the transaction.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL



Forbidden Transaction.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Not Found


Internal error.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Processor response with error.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL

Communication timed out with processor.

data object OPTIONAL

The transaction response model

authorizationCode string OPTIONAL

The processor authorization code.

batchId uuid OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch id.

batchNumber string OPTIONAL

The payment transaction settlement batch number.

decryptedRequestTags object OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the card.

messageDescription string OPTIONAL

The processor response message description.

parentTransaction (circular) OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL

The processor reference number.

processorResponseTags string OPTIONAL

The emv tags provided by the processor.

rawMessage string OPTIONAL

The message sent to the processor.

ticketNumber string OPTIONAL

The transaction ticket number.

traceNumber int32 OPTIONAL

The processor trace number.

transactionType string OPTIONAL

The transaction type.

verificationData object OPTIONAL
installments object OPTIONAL
amount double OPTIONAL
planCode string OPTIONAL
promotion object OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id string OPTIONAL
quantity int32 OPTIONAL
rate double OPTIONAL
errors object[] OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
link string OPTIONAL
meta object OPTIONAL
issuerResponse object OPTIONAL
authorizationCode string OPTIONAL
callIssuer boolean OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
emvTags string OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
messageDescription string OPTIONAL
processorRefNumber string OPTIONAL
ticketNumber string OPTIONAL
meta object
refNumber string OPTIONAL
time int64
xAmznTraceId string OPTIONAL